2022-08-09 11:01:55    0


---sugar alcohol chelated calcium



product information:

       Sualc-150Ca is a liquid form formulationdesigned for complement Calcium that plant need to growth healthy . we adopted sugar alcohol chelated technology in order to improve the Calcium utilization. It is different to traditional calcium fertilizers, Sugar alcohol chelated calcium can be absorbed and transported by plant easily, moreover, they can be transport to the growing point through the phloem or xylem sharply.

Functional characteristics:

1.Chelated by natural sugar alcohol, penetrate through leaves and pericarp immediately, transport to growing point through the phloem or xylem sharply.

2.Calcium supplementation, correct physiological diseases caused by calcium deficiency such as rolled leaf and fruit cracking.

3.Increase tolerance of plant against drought, cold, disease and heat, improve the yields and quality of fruits.

Direction for use:



      Heartly selected 100% pure raw-materials .

     ◆Produce at 80and last 2-3 hours to ensure chelated  thoroughly .


     It is available in 1L/bottle, 5L/kettle, or as customers request.  


Caution:know more about , please reffer to the attachment documents