2022-08-08 20:36:12    0


---soft leonardite potassium humate

---with much oxygen-containing functional groups

---with highly biological activity

---100% water soluble

---sulfonated process make its with good  compatibility




Product information:

       We select the soft leonardite stored in northeast area china formed in the cretaceous times 2500 years ago , which are in short carbon chains and rich in oxygen-containing functional groupsCarboxy -hydroxyl, hydroxyl, carbonyl and so on. After alkali extracted and acid precipitated process humic acid has becomed into a good solubility and highly bio-activity humates. AS for high organic matters /humic acid /fulvic acid content, it will play important role in agriculture. It could be successfully applied in landscaping and gardening for all agricultural and horticultural plants alone or combined with other fertilizers through irrigation system or spray tank.


1.Promotes the growth of plant and yield formation, improves the quality of fruits.

2.Stimulates vigorous root growth and the germination of seeds and development of radicles.

3.Improves soil structurePrevents compaction and enhances the ability of preservation moisture and fertility .

 4.Stimulates the formation of fertile soil and do good to beneficial microorganism.

   5.Enhances the utilization of the other chemical nutrition fertilizers

   6.Increases tolerance of plant against drought, cold, disease and heat.

Direction for use:

Soil application

The product can be used as basal or top-dressing fertilizer, applied alone or combined with Nitrogen and Phosphorus or compound fertilizer before seeding or planting, it’s particularly suitable for the following types of soils:

1) Alkaline soil with low iron content

2) Sandy soil with low organic (humus) content

3) Acid podzol soil with low humus content

4) Saline soil   5) Lime soil

Dosage: 15-20 kg/ha apply alone or stir well with normal NPk and apply the solution before seeding or between the planting rows .

Foliar Spray or fertigation

    Dilute it to 1000-1500 times water foliar spray, it can mix with other foliar fertilizers or pesticides.


Seeds soaking

Soaking concentration is 0.05%-0.1%Adjust pH to 7.0-7.5, the soaking time is different according to thickness of the seeds skin, for example, 24-48 hours for rice seed, 8-10 hours for wheat seed. The suitable temperature for seeds soaking is about 20, then sow the seeds after drying.


It is available in 20kgs/bag 1kg/bag, as customers request.



   ◆Heartly selected soft lignite to ensure humic acid and fulvic acid content ,especially compatible mixing with most acid fertilizers .   

   ◆Milled to 60-80 mesh powder and extracted at 80 liquid form to ensure thoroughly extracted and highly biological activity.

   ◆Sedimentation and centrifugation to ensure 100% water soluble.

   ◆Spray drying  processing to come to hollow in the granule center, soluble in the water easily  .

More usage

       1.As raw-materials to produce water soluble fertilizers content humic acidliquid form or solid form .

       2.As biological stimulator or fertilizers synergy apply directly or combine with other fertilizers to soil or plants.

Caution:know more about ,please reffer to the attachment documents.