bio-fulvic acid/molasses/liquid
2022-08-09 17:23:34    0


How to produce:





    Bio fulvic acid/molasses is a kind of water soluble, biodegradable ,non-toxic ,natural organic fulvate . It is based on bagasse or sugar beet pulp and extracted by microbes fermentation after alkali dissolvedprecipitationpress filtration concentration  spray drying processing to come to 100% water soluble powder. it is not a simplex homogeneous materials but a mixture with non-uniform carbon chain structure ,rich in oxygen-containing functional groups. It is also containing amino acid / N P k/middle or microelements / low polysaccharide/ vitamin c /vitamin b and so on .

Bio fulvic acid powder guaranteed  Analysis

     Organic matter ≥ 70% NY/T1976 Fulvic acid ≥50 %NY/T3162)    Free amino acid ≥4%     Soluble sugar ≥5%    Total nutrientsNPK ≥15%   Solubility :100 %    PH(1:250)  5-7         Moisture ≤2%   Appearancebrown yellow powder  with fragrant odor

Molasses powder  guaranteed  Analysis

    Organic matter ≥ 60% NY/T1976  Fulvic acid ≥8 %NY/T3162)   Total amino acid ≥18%  Total nutrientsNPK ≥12%  polyglutamic acid ≥3 %  Solubility :100 %    PH(1:250)  5-7         Moisture ≤2%   Appearancebrown yellow powder  with fragrant and sweet odor

Molasses concentrated liquid guaranteed Analysis

    Organic matters ≥ 20.0%  Fulvic acid ≥ 5.0% Total nutrientsNPK ≥7.0%  Total amino acid ≥10.0%   polyglutamic acid ≥1.8%     PH1:250:  5-7 Density1.05 g/ml     Appearancedeep brown yellow liquid with viscosity  and sweet odor

Functional mechanism of bio-fulvic acid in agriculture :

   1.Containing a variety of high activity growth factors , it can stimulate the growth of crop roots,  improve the absorption and transmission of nutrients by crops.

    2.It is rich in biochemical potassium, which is effective for coloring fruits and improving the quality of crop fruits.

    3.Increase soil organic matter, improve soil aggregate structure, and enhance soil water retention.

   4. It promotes the absorption of micro-fertilizer by crops, can chelate the medium  and trace elements in the soil, increase the absorption rate of trace elements, and solve the yellowing phenomenon caused by deficiency.

    5.Improve the ability of crops to resist stress, especially in the prevention of premature aging of crops, and more extend the year of fruiting of crops.

Usage of bio-fulvic acid ,molasses powder/liquid

    1.As a kind of raw-materials to produce water soluble fertilizer containing organic matter or fulvic acid . 

    2.Foliar spray or fertigation directly , it is 800-1000 times dilution recommended for foliar spray . 300-500 times dilution recommended for fertigation on the plant of root. Powder 3-5kg/667m2, liquid 10-15kg/667m2, This recommended dosage  only for common usage ,any changes shall be encouraged according local plants or soil and climate.

